Success Story: After struggling with unexplained weight gain, Alex lost 20 lbs in 12 weeks

When Alex first came to see me, she was frustrated, to say the least. Despite making healthier food choices and exercising regularly, no matter what she did, she kept gaining weight. Her struggle with weight gain had been going on for years - she had gained 26 lbs in the past year alone. 

Alex Griffin, who is 28, had been diagnosed with insulin resistance and her doctor was testing her for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). She felt certain that her hormones were a major factor in her unexplained weight gain. She felt tired all the time, she craved coffee and comfort foods which she felt kept her going, she had irregular menstrual cycles, and anxiety.

Within two weeks she was feeling better

As a Health Coach who works with women to help them naturally balance their hormones, I helped Alex make key changes in her diet, eliminating foods that were causing stress on her system. Within the first two weeks of working with her, she started to feel better – she had more energy, her digestion improved, and she felt less bloated.

Over the next 12 weeks, we worked together to fine-tune her diet and make lifestyle modifications that worked for her. During this time, she lost 20 lbs. Most importantly, she felt like she finally had a plan that helped her feel her best, and one that she could sustain for the rest of her life.   

Her hormone symptoms decreased

We also focused on lifestyle changes to help Alex balance her hormones. The below chart shows the results of the hormone symptom survey I gave her at the start and end of her program. It shows the number of symptoms Alex was experiencing in each hormonal imbalance. After 12 weeks of working together, she saw a significant reduction in symptoms in all 9 areas!

Hormone Results AG 2020.png

She continues to see improvement

By focusing on healthy foods to improve her digestion and boost her thyroid function, Alex was able to kick start her weight loss, reduce her cravings, gain back her energy, and reverse her insulin resistance. Alex continues to see improvements in her health as she sustains the healthy lifestyle she created for herself in the Optimize Your Health and Hormones program. I am honored to have been a part of her journey.


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