Cancer Wellness

Together with your doctor, we can navigate this road and take steps to improve your diet and lifestyle. My cancer wellness programs are specifically designed for individuals who want to prevent cancer or who have completed their cancer treatment and are ready to start recovery with a plan.  We partner together to create a health-promoting lifestyle that works for you and helps you reduce your risk. 

This program is designed to meet you where you are.  We’ll review your overall health questions and concerns and the research on diet and cancer, but it’s up to you to decide what foods are best for you and how much you want to change your diet and lifestyle. My goal is to help you navigate the information so you feel empowered to ask the right questions and make your own decisions. I’ll also make sure you’re aware of the research on environmental toxins and how they impact your risk. There’s a lot to talk about, so let’s get started.


Cancer Wellness 3-month or 6-month program offerings:

  • 2 one-hour coaching sessions per month over video-conference

  • Safeguard your health by incorporating nutrient dense foods and reducing environmental toxins

  • Hormone Balance Assessment at the beginning and end of your program

  • Recipes, healthy snack list, shopping list, and other tools to guide your journey

-Lauren Jordan


I discovered Merritt’s program through a flyer at my oncologist's office, having been diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer and looking at years of treatment drugs. I was doubtful of receiving much advice as I felt as if I was a rather good eater and aware of various diets. Merritt Tracy did not disappoint. Through the Cancer Wellness 3-month program, she opened up a whole new reference of foods that I did not even know about. Merritt shared the value of food as medicine, even helping me find ways to try food categories that were foreign to me. The results have been surprising and actually fun! Both my husband and I have changed all our food choices and feel so good about it. We now have knowledge of the foods that will be better for us, and more importantly why they are good for us. I feel healthy and strong, and in command of my own health.