Hormone Balance Assessment

Many symptoms can be traced back to various hormone imbalances. Understanding where you may be out of balance gives you clues about your health and hormones and provides you with an idea of what strategies might help you feel better and what questions you can ask your doctor. The hormone balance assessment is a good starting point for better understanding your hormones.


The Hormone Balance Assessment is a 50-minute health coaching session that is included in your health coaching program or that can be purchased separately. This session includes:

  • Hormone symptom survey

  • Discussion of your survey results

  • Diet and lifestyle support in one area you want to focus on, based on your survey results

What is the hormone symptom survey?

The hormone symptom survey is an eye-opening tool to trace various symptoms to their underlying causes. It was developed by Dr. Sara Gottfried, author of The Hormone Cure, The Hormone Reset Diet, and Women, Food, and Hormones, and includes thoughtfully tailored questions from years of clinical practice and research. Each question accounts for the nuances of the many surprising symptoms associated with different hormonal imbalances and health conditions. As a Trained Hormone Coach through the Gottfried Institute, I have been given permission to use this tool with clients.

What will the results of the hormone symptom survey tell you?

Your symptoms can tell us a lot about where you are out of balance. The results of the hormone symptom survey are not meant to diagnose hormone conditions. They do, however, show you how your symptoms align with various hormone imbalances. This is helpful information that we can use to strengthen your health and wellness goals with key steps you can take to feel your best.

Your symptoms can often indicate a problem before lab testing does. The hormone assessment should not take the place of lab testing or working with your doctor. Instead, it provides us with great information we can use in partnership with your doctor to create a wellness plan that takes into account how you are feeling now and how you want to feel.

The example above is a typical result from one of my clients. This client is in her late 20s. She was referred to me by her OBGYN who had diagnosed her with insulin resistance and PCOS. She was struggling to lose weight and she had concerns about fertility. Her doctor felt that diet and lifestyle changes would be the best way to improve her symptoms.

The BEFORE column in the example shows the number of symptoms she had when we initially did her hormone assessment consultation. The AFTER column shows the results of her hormone symptom survey after we worked together to help her create a healthy diet and lifestyle, reduce stress, lose weight, and improve her gut health and digestion.

What to expect

After you schedule your hormone balance assessment, you will automatically be sent the hormone symptom survey. The hormone symptom survey takes under 10 minutes to complete – simply check off all symptoms that apply to you (some questions repeat – don’t worry, this is intentional!)

During your hormone balance assessment, or consultation, I’ll clarify what the numbers mean and I’ll explain what your symptoms may be telling us about your hormones. Then we can focus in on one area and discuss ideas about initial steps you can take to help you find balance.

You’ll feel a sense of validation as you begin to understand the effects imbalanced hormones may be having on your mind and body. As we delve deeper into your specific symptoms, you’ll be able to connect the dots of symptoms to causes, and we can begin our work together to help you feel your best.

If you choose to continue your health coaching journey with me and sign up for the Transform Your Health and Hormones 6-month program or the Optimize Your Health and Hormones 3-month program, you’ll complete another hormone symptom survey at the end of the program. This will give you a clear before AND after picture - so you can really see all the progress you’ve made.


I’m so glad I did the Hormone Balance Assessment - it opened my eyes to how many of my daily symptoms, and even emotions, were actually related to my hormone activity. It was so enlightening! I had no idea that simple things like craving sweets after a meal, feeling unmotivated, or feeling tired in the afternoon (things I thought were “normal”) were actually signs of various imbalances. Things that I thought were just quirks in my personality may have actually been related to high/low levels of various hormones. Merritt took the time to go over my results with me and helped me put everything into context, so I could see the full picture of what I needed to work on to get healthier.

—Heather F.

Who Can Benefit from a Hormone Balance Assessment?

If you are wondering if hormones may be a culprit in your health concerns, you can benefit from the hormone balance assessment. Regardless of whether you are young and struggling with hormone concerns or you are post-menopausal, taking the hormone symptom survey and having a hormone balance assessment give you important information about where you may be out of balance. From there, we can work together to help you bring your hormones and your life back into balance, naturally.

Below is an example of a client in her late 40s. She was going through perimenopause and struggling to lose weight. She did the hormone balance assessment, then completed the Transform Your Health and Hormones 6-month program. She was able to lose the weight, reduce her hormone symptoms, and change her life for the better.

Men can benefit too

I even have a hormone symptom survey for men! I specialize in women’s health and hormones, but I also work with men to help them find balance.

Below are the results of a male client. He is in his 50s and when we first started working together he was overweight, dealing with a stressful job, and suffering from high blood pressure. During his health coaching program, we worked on shifting his reaction to stress, putting mindfulness practices in place, and creating a healthy and sustainable diet and lifestyle. These steps helped him considerably!

Balance Your Life - Balance Your Hormones

What is happening in your life impacts your hormones. Cortisol, our stress response hormone, can suppress other hormones and cause a cascade of hormone imbalances. Likewise, your hormones impact your life - weight gain, brain fog, period issues, and other hormone concerns can lead to depression, anxiety, and self-esteem issues.

Hormones must be in balance - if hormone levels are too high or too low, you will likely experience symptoms. I help you find balance in your hormones, which in turn helps you find balance in your life.  Just as importantly, I help you find balance in your life, which in turn helps you balance your hormones. Your hormones are part of your natural rhythm in life, so focusing on both your hormones and where you need balance in your life is key. My training in health and hormone coaching allows me to guide you in diet and lifestyle steps that help you feel more in sync with your body. We will also explore your relationship with food and how you approach stress. By providing you with tools and skills to help you take control of your health, we will work together to help you feel more balanced across all aspects of your life.