Women’s Health and Hormone Coaching

My approach is unique in its focus on balance. I help you find balance in your hormones, which in turn helps you find balance in your life. Just as importantly, I help you find balance in your life, which in turn helps you balance your hormones. Your hormones are part of your natural rhythm in life, so focusing on both your hormones and where you need balance in your life is key. My training in health and hormone coaching allows me to guide you in diet and lifestyle steps that help you feel more in sync with your body. We will also explore your relationship with food and how you approach stress. By providing you with tools and skills to help you take control of your health, we will work together to help you feel more balanced across all aspects of your life.  

Are you struggling with…

  • weight gain

  • fatigue

  • irregular periods, PMS, or PMDD

  • hot flashes, night sweats, or other symptoms related to perimenopause or menopause

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

  • hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s disease

  • constipation, diarrhea, bloating

  • breast cancer or other hormone-related cancer

  • or other symptoms that you feel may be related to your hormone health?

Isn’t it time you made your health and wellness a priority?

Hormone Balance Assessment

The hormone balance assessment is a good starting point to better understanding your hormones. Understanding where you may be out of balance gives you clues about your health and hormones and provides you with an idea of what strategies might help you feel better.

We’ll look at imbalances related to:

  • Cortisol and stress

  • Perimenopause, menopause, or post-menopause

  • PMS or PMDD

  • PCOS

  • Thyroid health

  • Insulin resistance

Optimize Your Health and Hormones

3-month program

The Optimize Your Health and Hormones program is perfect for individuals who generally have a healthy lifestyle but want to increase their knowledge and accountability to reach their optimal health.

Transform Your Health and Hormones

6-month program

The Transform Your Health and Hormones program is ideal for individuals who want to embark on a wellness journey into a sustainable healthy lifestyle and want to create habits and behaviors for long-lasting change and accountability. 

What’s included in the Programs

  • Hormone Balance Assessment at the beginning and end of your program

  • 2 one-hour coaching sessions per month over video-conference

  • Recipes for Balancing Sugar and Hormones eBook

  • Journal to track your progress

  • Healthy snack list and other tools and resources to guide your journey

We’ll start with a survey of your physical symptoms and hormones, then work step-by-step to address imbalances. Our hormones can affect many aspects of our health - both physically and emotionally. I help women balance cortisol, thyroid hormones, metabolism, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. We’ll explore natural solutions that don’t involve hormone replacement therapies or bio-identical hormones, just simple, natural steps to help you feel your best.

Together we’ll also explore what you want in life, what is causing you stress, and what beliefs you’ve created that are holding you back. Our coaching relationship is confidential, safe, and meant to empower you to take on the world. What are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

Recipes to elevate your wellbeing

In this free download, you’ll receive recipes for each meal of the day (plus a few extras!) to help you feel your best.