Success Story: Shelley Feels Healthier at 50 Than She Did at 40!

My primary care physician recommended Merritt to me. I was under a lot of stress with my family and work, I had high blood pressure, and I was generally feeling unhealthy. I knew that losing weight would help and I was ready to make some changes.

After checking out her website, I scheduled a Discovery Session with Merritt and we clicked right away. We had a lot in common and she was so easy to talk to. It was as if we were already friends. I felt comfortable from that first meeting. 

Merritt brought another perspective to what was going on in my life, mentally, emotionally, and physically. She challenged my thought processes, which lead to all the changes I needed to make to get healthier. I was also at a point in my life where I was ready for change, and I think that was a necessary aspect of healing.

Some of the many things she helped me with were getting more vegetables in my diet, hydrating more, keeping healthier staples in my kitchen so I don’t reach for junk food, reading food labels so I’m more aware of what I’m buying, and doing an elimination diet.

This was life-changing for me and working with her made it so much easier to follow through.

My cravings for sugar have completely gone away and I have a new, healthier relationship with food. I’m not mindlessly eating, but rather, eating to support my health. I’m more regular, less bloated, and sleeping better. I also lost 40 lbs! I have more energy and less brain fog. My blood pressure is in the normal range (it wasn’t before) and I’m no longer having hot flashes.

On the emotional side, I started to feel better within the first two weeks simply by managing my stress better. Merritt helped me with this in essential ways. She also helped me look at my personal life and make some necessary changes. I began taking a meditation class and having more open dialogues with my family around important issues. I now speak up for my needs, and in return, my family responds favorably. I’ve learned to let go of things that are out of my control, and this has taken a huge weight off of me.

My teenage kids have even made their own healthy changes after watching me go through this process!

I turned 50 last week and I feel healthier at 50 than I did at 40. I feel great and have turned a corner personally, and with my family. I am in a better frame of mind because I’ve made life-changing decisions on how I eat, sleep, think, and even listen to others. I am grateful that my primary care physician recommended Merritt to me. My life has been positively changed and I don’t say that lightly.


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