Success Story: Kelly’s Hypothyroidism Symptoms and Joint Pain Disappeared

Five years ago, I gained 30 lbs in one summer. I went to three doctors trying to find out why I was rapidly gaining weight. I had extreme exhaustion and didn’t feel like myself anymore. I was told that "this is what happens when you turn 50."

Finally, I went to a doctor who listened to me and understood this was not normal. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease, an autoimmune disorder that affects the thyroid. I felt better on thyroid medication, but after a couple of years, I started having flare-ups. I experienced terrible joint pain, inflammation, digestive issues, and I couldn’t lose weight. My gynecologist, who specializes in women's health and hormones, suggested some of my issues could be diet and lifestyle related. She referred me to Merritt.

When Merritt and I started working together, I weighed around 200 lbs. It was very painful to walk due to knee and joint inflammation. I was actually considering moving to another house so I wouldn’t have to climb stairs. I was also experiencing chronic digestive issues with a lot of bloating. I had been on every diet you can imagine and had been working out twice a week trying to lose weight.

Merritt was very easy to talk to. She helped me better understand my hormone symptom survey results and how diet and lifestyle shifts might improve my symptoms. I did not think this would be the "magic pill" that I needed to feel better, but I was willing to try anything to get back to my normal self. Merritt took the time to help me create a diet and lifestyle that was specific to me. She was there for me throughout my three-month program. I would even message her when I was grocery shopping and I had questions about the best choices to buy. I did my program over the holidays, and Merritt checked in with me to support me and remind me of the goals I set for myself.

With her help and the recipes she provided, it was so much easier to do than I thought, and the results for me, were amazing.

Within a week of starting the program, I was feeling so good. I had more energy and my bloating was gone. I went from looking like I was 6-months pregnant to having an almost flat stomach. By the second month, I was hiking with my family and kayaking on vacation. I was living my life with no pain! I was also losing weight without "dieting"!

At the end of my three-month program, I took the hormone symptom survey again, and I was so happy to see the numbers reflect what I was feeling.

I am symptom and pain free and for the first time in 5 years, I am losing weight.I lost 25 lbs in the three months I worked with Merritt and never once felt like I was on a diet or was restricting myself. I was just doing what was helping me feel good.I know now that I will be able to sustain this healthy lifestyle for the rest of my life.


Connect with the Natural Rhythm of Your Menstrual Cycle


Are your hormone imbalances linked to your gut health?