Why You Feel Stuck

Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay.

Despite our deepest desires to reach our wellness goals, sometimes, things get in the way – we feel stuck. It’s easy to think these reasons are external, such as a lack of time or finances, but more often than not, “stuckness” is an internal conflict that needs to be resolved before we can move forward.

Feeling stuck can come in many forms, but the thing they all have in common is, they act as a barricade between the current and future you. In some cases, you may find yourself feeling stuck in more ways than one and you may need an outside perspective and loving support to help you navigate how to move forward. 

Do any of these 10 reasons you may feel stuck resonate with you?

1.    You aren’t ready to change.

Some part of you really wants to change, yet the pros of staying the same outweigh the pros of changing. You simply aren’t willing to give up something you love even though you know the change you seek is what is best for you.

2.    You have an inner conflict.

This can be a limiting belief (“I’m not good enough”, “I’m not worthy”, “Other people’s needs are more important than mine”, etc.) or old pattern (you always go for the “wrong” kind of partner, for instance). You may not even be aware that this limiting belief or pattern exists, but it’s still running the show. Until you can acknowledge it and challenge it, you may stay in a holding pattern. 

3. You’re worried or afraid.

You’re worried about the consequences of making a change, you are afraid of failure (or success), you are worried about being ineffective, or you are afraid of what other people might think or that your relationship with people could change once you change. This may also present as being afraid of something new, which is unfamiliar and unpredictable.

4. You expect change to happen all at once.

You haven’t accepted that the change you desire is going to take time and patience and you may not see the results right away. You may have put in some time and effort to make the change, but without noticing change right away, did not keep at it long enough to reach your goal.

5.    You don’t see your potential.

You may feel like you want to change, but it can feel more like a fantasy than a reality. You may have a hard time seeing your potential either to make the change, or to live or be differently than you are now. Does your goal feel like something others are capable of but not yourself?

6.    Your goal is extrinsically driven, not intrinsically driven.

Why is your goal important to you? This motivation should be something that is meaningful to you on a deep, intrinsic level. For example, striving to do well at work for the approval of your boss is driven by external feelings – ones you can’t control (you can never control what other people think of you). When your goal is internally-motivated, such as meeting your deadline because your work makes a difference in people’s lives, you’ll be more likely to reach your goal.

7.    You’re overwhelmed.

When your goal is too big, there is too much information, you put pressure on yourself to achieve the goal by a quick deadline, or there is too much going on in your life, you can feel like you’re in analysis paralysis. Taking baby steps and focusing on one thing at a time is a helpful way around this.

8. There’s no fun in it.

If you dread doing the work to accomplish your goal, it’s going to be a challenge to reach it. While we all have to do things we don’t want to, finding some fun during the journey will make you more motivated to get to the finish line. Health is a marathon (not a sprint) with rewards along the way – staying present, and not waiting until you reach a goal to experience joy will make a huge difference.

9.    You have an “all or nothing” mentality.

The slightest setback causes you to throw in the towel and give it all up. Hello perfectionist, I’m talking to you! Setbacks are a part of any journey and goals are reached faster when we are able to ride the setbacks with ease and get back on the horse.

10. There’s no accountability.

When you ask others to hold you accountable to your goals or you create processes to hold yourself accountable, you have established another level of commitment and responsibility for accomplishing your goal.

With all of these potential reasons that keep us stuck, is it any wonder that we struggle to set and accomplish our goals?

Health coaching is a wonderful resource to help every step of the way – to help you identify and get clear on your goals as well as any obstacles getting in the way, to help you challenge limiting beliefs and fears that are holding you back, to hold you accountable, to prioritize the necessary steps and lifestyle behaviors that will bring you closer to your goals, and to provide ongoing support.

Regardless of whether or not health coaching is the next step that helps you get unstuck, I hope you’ll take one step forward today that moves you in the direction of your goals. If you’d like to talk about your goals and how I can support you, sign up for a free discovery session. It’s time you made yourself and your goals a priority.


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