Group Programs

Merritt Tracy will work with your group or team onsite or online to create a fun and supportive program to help your employees manage stress, build resilience, and meet their health goals.

Elevate Your Wellbeing (Customized Group Coaching)

Group coaching sessions focused on elevating the wellbeing of each individual in the group and how they work together as a team. Sessions are customized to what the group wants to focus on, which could include:

  • Nutrition and lifestyle

  • Emotional wellbeing

  • Mindfulness

  • Work/life balance

  • Stress management

  • Social wellbeing

  • Connecting with your purpose and vision

These sessions provide a safe and confidential space where team members can share their struggles, emotions and feelings. The group supports each other, shares perspectives and insights, and cultivates positive relationships.

As group members get to know each other better and respect each other’s differences, they perform better together. Group sessions allow team members to connect in a way they don’t normally have a chance to in the workplace. Elevate Your Wellbeing groups are energizing, motivating and inspiring.

Break Free from Sugar 6-week Detox

Change your relationship with sugar. If the body is given sugar all the time, it loses the ability to burn fat. This program is designed to help each member of your team kick sugar cravings and re-train the body and brain to be satisfied with natural sugars like the kind you find in fruit and sweet vegetables.

Six-week detox includes:

  • Weekly on-site or online meetings to provide your team with coaching, guidance, and education.

  • Two approaches to support team members with different needs: Step-in for those who need to take it slow or All-in for those who are already eating healthy, but need more discipline around sugar.

  • A Detox Resource Guide for each participant that includes:

    • Step-in and All-in Plans

    • Meal planning template

    • Recipes

    • Shopping list

    • Food preparation tips

    • Eating out guide

    • Healthy snack list

    • Journal for tracking progress

  • A beginning and ending symptoms assessment so each team member can see their progress in reducing symptoms and concerns related to sugar.

Free Me from Stress 4-week Journey to Mindfulness

Learn important strategies for reducing stress. Mindfulness is being used more frequently in the workplace to help employees live in the present moment, enjoy their lives, improve focus, and manage daily stressors.

4-week Journey to Mindfulness includes:

  • Weekly onsite or online meetings to provide your team with coaching, guidance, and education.

  • A Mindfulness Guide that includes:

    • Mindfulness resources

    • Weekly plan

    • Gratitude journal

  • A beginning and ending symptoms assessment so each team member can see their progress in reducing symptoms and concerns related to stress.

Master Menopause

Master Menopause is a 6-week group program for women entering or transitioning through perimenopause and menopause. This program helps women struggling with weight gain, irritability, moodiness, anxiety, heavy periods, hot flashes, disrupted sleep, loss of libido, and other symptoms feel their best, and easily navigate the chaotic hormonal fluctuations that commonly occur in their 40s and 50s.

Master Menopause includes:

  • Six weekly on-site or online group coaching sessions to provide your team with coaching, guidance, and education

  • A Master Menopause Program Guide

  • Hormone symptom survey at the beginning and end of the program

  • Recipes for Balancing Sugar and Hormones e-Book

  • Healthy Snack List

  • Meal Planning Template

  • Weekly Journal

Recipes to elevate your wellbeing

In this free download, you’ll receive recipes for each meal of the day (plus a few extras!) to help you feel your best.