Success Story:  Stewart no longer has cystic acne!

As I turned 26, I developed cystic acne along my jawline and chin that became a sudden and aggressive issue that I’d never experienced before. It wasn’t only inconvenient; it was painful too. It was so bad that I never wanted to leave the house or be seen without makeup.


Image and story with permission from Stewart Parkhurst

I was also experiencing symptoms that seemed unrelated at first, like fatigue, irregular and painful menstrual cycles, and terrible bloating. I went to Dr. Alyse Kelly-Jones, a gynecologist and hormone expert. She ran tests and diagnosed me with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). I was shocked but relieved to know there was a root cause.

After countless attempts to find a solution to the acne and other symptoms, and an exhausted morale, I followed my doctor’s advice and made an appointment with Merritt Tracy. I had cried enough tears looking in the mirror. I was finally motivated enough to figure out a long-term solution. I was willing to do whatever it took; I just needed the right guidance.


I signed up for Merritt’s HOPE for PCOS course and three months of coaching. It seemed overwhelming at first to think about making changes to my diet, but it wasn’t as challenging as I thought it would be. Cooking my meals at home felt like an important factor in being successful. I also kept a food log, which wasn’t required, but was helpful in getting a better look into how clean my diet really was or wasn’t.


I was surprised at how quickly I began to notice results! Within 2 weeks, my acne cleared up and by the end of the program, it was completely gone. My digestion is better than it ever has been, and I no longer feel bloated. My menstrual cycles are improving too. I no longer have debilitating cramps or pain with my period. I feel great, both physically and emotionally!


By removing different foods in my diet, I was able to discover three foods that triggered the extreme inflammation that was causing my acne, fatigue, bloating, and other symptoms. Since eliminating those items from my diet, I never have acne breakouts anymore, thank goodness! Not only that, but I’ve lost 4 pounds and do not feel the constant heaviness and discomfort after eating each meal. My outlook and my relationship with food have changed for the better. My energy levels are higher, my cravings have reduced, and both my gut and skin seem to be a lot happier!


I am so proud of myself for being able to figure out a long-term and sustainable fix for my symptoms. It turns out that my acne was just one symptom that I was hyper-focused on, but in reality, I was experiencing other symptoms such as burnout, fatigue, sugar cravings, poor gut health, and heavy bloating after meals. Working with Merritt made me feel empowered to heal myself rather than commit to further medications. I feel lighter, more motivated, less stressed and way more like MYSELF again. I am extremely grateful for that!


I want other women to know that everything is possible when you commit wholeheartedly to whatever it is you are doing! I thought I was a rare case and had tried everything that could help me. It turns out that I needed guidance, accountability, and to commit to a plan. The changes you most desire and the ones that are worth it take effort and don’t happen overnight. Putting in the work every single day and staying the course will allow for the results to show. In doing so, you will likely see improvements in more areas than just the ones you set out to enhance. Feeling good in your body is so empowering and that is priceless!


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