Staying Healthy When You’re Away from Home: Tips for Maintaining Wellness on the Road

Stoneledge Farm Store, Cairo, NY

A bountiful stop in my travels - Stoneledge Farm Store, South Cairo, NY

I love traveling, but it often brings challenges, particularly when it comes to maintaining your health. When I moved into my Airbnb last week and opened the refrigerator door, I stared at the clean, empty shelves and thought, “Oh boy, now what?” It's not just the empty fridge that can be daunting—travel disrupts your whole routine. From finding healthy food options to fitting in exercise, staying healthy on the road requires some strategy. Here are some tips that have been working for me, and might help you too.


1. Pack Healthy Snacks

Before you set off on your journey, pack a stash of healthy snacks. These little nuggets of nutrition can make a big difference when you're in between meals or facing limited food options. Some of my go-to snacks include mixed nuts, rice crackers, and whole fruits like apples, oranges, and bananas. If you have the space, consider bringing a small cooler. Pack it with sliced raw vegetables, hummus, and berries. These snacks are not only healthy but also easy to prepare and transport, ensuring you have something nutritious on hand when hunger strikes.


2. Search for Healthy Restaurants on Your Route

Instead of stopping for fast food, which will inevitably leave you feeling bloated and guilty, do a little research before your trip. If you’re driving a long distance, try using Hungry Trip to find a healthy restaurant on your route. This handy search engine allows you to choose the type of food you’re looking for (salads, gluten-free, vegetarian, etc.) between your starting point and ending point. Depending on the restaurant, you may even be able to order it ahead of time and have it waiting for you when you arrive.

When you arrive at your destination, again do your research before heading out. Review menus for the restaurants in your area and choose a location that has plenty of vegetables and caters to your needs. Planning your stop ahead of time gives you something to look forward to and reduces the stress of trying to find something at the last minute.


3. Choose Accommodations with a Kitchen

When staying for more than a couple of days, opt for hotels or rentals that include a kitchen. Eating out is fun but can quickly become expensive and disastrous for your health goals. Accommodations with a full kitchen allow you to prepare your own meals, which helps you stick to your dietary preferences and budget. For long stays, having the ability to cook simple meals and store fresh ingredients can be a game-changer.


4. Get Your Exercise Exploring the Area

Travel doesn’t have to mean giving up your fitness routine. In fact, it can be a great opportunity to get some exercise while exploring the area. Whether you walk, hike, or rent a bike, getting out and about is a fantastic way to see the sights and stay active. Walking through town or a local neighborhood not only gives you a chance to exercise but also lets you immerse yourself in the local culture and architecture.


5. Prioritize Rest and Restoration

If you’re traveling for vacation, use this time to rest, relax, and catch up on sleep. Life can be taxing, and your getaway should allow you time to restore. For work-related travel, try to set clear boundaries to ensure you get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Be mindful of alcohol consumption as well, which can disrupt your sleep patterns and impact your health goals. Whether it’s a happy hour or drinks by the pool, moderation is key to maintaining restful sleep.


6. Pack Ear Plugs

Noise can be a significant issue while traveling, whether it’s street sounds or a snoring partner. Packing ear plugs can be a lifesaver, helping you get the restful sleep you need. They’re small, easy to pack, and can make a big difference in ensuring you stay well-rested.


7. Explore Local Food Options

Travel provides a unique opportunity to experience new cuisines and food cultures. Take time to explore local farmer’s markets and try farm-to-table restaurants. Eating locally can be a fun way to discover fresh, seasonal ingredients and new flavors. It’s also a great way to support local businesses and enjoy a variety of fresh, healthy foods.


8. Stay Connected with Friends and Family

Maintaining connections with loved ones while traveling is important for your mental health. Regular communication with family and friends provides emotional support and helps you feel grounded even when you’re far from home. Whether it’s through video calls, text messages, or social media updates, staying in touch will help you feel loved and connected to those who are most important to you.


These strategies have been helping me keep my health goals in the forefront of my mind while I travel. I hope you take away some tips that will help you stay on top of your wellness goals as well. Safe travels and stay healthy!


Success Story:  Stewart no longer has cystic acne!